Четверг, 30.01.2025, 20:21

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Хинты для сайта(синий)
EssAДата: Среда, 27.10.2010, 14:52 | Сообщение # 1
Сообщений: 391
Награды: 14

  /* hint menu */  
  border-top:1px solid #1E90FF;  
  border-right:1px solid #1E90FF;  
  border-bottom:1px solid #1E90FF;  
  border-left:1px solid #1E90FF;  
  /* ---------------- */  

  // Автор Скрипта: http://Sinners.PP.Ua  
  //Hint Start  
  // CLASS : MW_System_Load  
  // Init  
  function MW_System_Load(){  
  this.wib = screen.width;  
  this.heb = screen.height;  
  this.documes = (document.getElementById || document.createElement || document.getElementsByTagName) ? true : false;  
  this.objects = window.addEventListener || window.attachEvent ? window : document.addEventListener ? document : null;  
  this.types = 'load';  
  MW_System_Load.prototype.addsevent = function(func){  
  return true;  
  } else if (this.objects.attachEvent){  
  this.objects.attachEvent("on" + this.types,func);  
  } else {  
  return false;  
  MW_System_Load.prototype.browser = function(){  
  this.ver = navigator.appVersion;  
  this.agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();  
  this.dom = document.getElementById ? 1:0;  
  this.all = document.all ? 1:0;  
  this.ie5 = (this.ver.indexOf("MSIE 5")>-1 && this.dom) ? 1:0;  
  this.ie6 = (this.ver.indexOf("MSIE 6")>-1 && this.dom) ? 1:0;  
  this.ie4 = (document.all && !this.dom) ? 1:0;  
  this.ie = this.ie4 || this.ie5 || this.ie6;  
  this.opera = this.agent.indexOf("opera")>-1;  
  this.gecko = (this.agent.indexOf("gecko")!=-1) ? 1:0;  
  this.bw = (this.ie || this.opera || this.gecko);  
  return this;  
  MW_System_Load.prototype.findobj = function(obj){  
  this.parent = window.document;  
  if(this.parent[obj]){ return this.parent[obj]; }  
  if(this.parent.all && this.parent.all[obj]){ return this.parent.all[obj]; }  
  if(this.parent.layers && this.parent.layers[obj]){ return this.parent.layers[obj]; }  
  if(this.parent.getElementById && this.parent.getElementById(obj)){ return this.parent.getElementById(obj); }  
  return null;  
  var MW = new MW_System_Load();  
  function MW_System_Hint(){}  
  MW_System_Hint.prototype.show = function(obj,str){  
  var hint = MW.findobj('hint');  
  if(!obj){ return; }  
  if(!MW.documes){ return; }  
  if(!hint){ return; }  
  hint.className = 'hint';  
  hint.style.left = 15;  
  hint.style.top = 50;  

  obj.onmouseout = function(advance){  
  hint.style.width = '';  
  hint.style.visibility = 'hidden';  
  if(hint.firstChild) hint.removeChild(hint.firstChild);  
  obj.onmousemove = function(advance){  
  //str = str.replace(/</g,"<");  
  //str = str.replace(/>/g,">");  
  hint.style.width = '';  
  hint.innerHTML = str;  
  vc = document.getElementsByTagName((document.compatMode && document.compatMode=="CSS1Compat") ? "HTML":"BODY")[0];  
  x = window.event ? event.clientX + vc.scrollLeft : advance.pageX;  
  y = window.event ? event.clientY + vc.scrollTop : advance.pageY;  
  vcwidth = vc.clientWidth ? vc.clientWidth + vc.scrollLeft : window.innerWidth + window.pageXOffset;  
  vcheight = vc.innerHeight ? window.innerHeight + window.pageYOffset : vc.clientHeight + vc.scrollTop;  
   if(hint.offsetWidth>500){ hint.style.width = '200'; }  
   if((x + hint.offsetWidth + 15) > vcwidth){  
   hint.style.left = x - hint.offsetWidth - 4;  
   } else {  
   hint.style.left = x + 15;  
   if((y + hint.offsetHeight + 19) > vcheight){  
   hint.style.top = y - hint.offsetHeight;  
   } else {  
   hint.style.top = y + 25;  
   hint.style.opacity = '.91';  
   hint.style.filter = "alpha(opacity:91)";  
   hint.style.visibility = 'visible';  
  MW_System_Hint.prototype.initialize = function(){  
  var hint = document.createElement("DIV");  
  hint.style.visibility = 'hidden';  
  var hintmarker = ['a','img','img','input','span','div','textarea'];  
  var textmarker = ['title','alt','title','title','title','title','title'];  
  var lenmarker = hintmarker.length;  
  for(var i=0; i<lenmarker; i++) {  
  atr = document.getElementsByTagName(hintmarker[i]);  
  for(var j=0; j<atr.length; j++)  
  var HINT = new MW_System_Hint();  
  if(MW.objects){ MW.addsevent(HINT.initialize); }  
  //Hint End  
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